This is a list of changes to the folder. First their will be date, then change. New changes will be at the bottom of the file. Tue, Jul 20, 2021 added some more tools for writing tunes in mml, updated mml2vgm to laytest, thanks to kuma4649, as well as for MoonDriver.NET, PMDDotNET, mucom.NET, mucomMD2vgm. all this will go in chiptune software/write. mon, Jul 19, 2021. updated spcplay, a sound file player for the snes sound format by dgrfactory. this will be in chiptune software/other software. Tue, Jul 20, 2021, updated two artists, SuperJet Spade and Burnt Fishy. they're in/tuca archive. Tue, Jul 20, 2021. in/tuca archive, added a new artist, ninja kuukuden. Wed, Jul 21, 2021. updated one artist, defence mechanism, and added a new artist, aquilex. @defence mech, your tunes are awesome! you rock! these rocking artists are in/tuca archive. Thu, Jul 22, 2021. added the readme in Aquilex's folder. Thu, Jul 22,2021. put another album in /tuca to virt's folder. Fri, Jul 23, 2021. did some cleane up of folder structure in /tuca archive, as well as updated some artists. added another album from Virt's folder, updated rushjet1 with original music, and added some more tunes from fearofdark. added a fork of admusick by kungfuferby to chiptune software/write. Sunday, August 1, 2021. updated mrnorbert1994's .nsf archive. It's nsf.7z. also, removed nsf.rar made new artists, tripflag and did some folder fix ups. Monday, August 2, 2021. Put some more of fearofdark's music in / Tuca archive. Monday, August 2, 2021. Removed chiptune archive by Rez, because it had duplicates Monday, August 2, 2021. Updated JX folder. @JX thanks for doing the black clover 3 op! You rock! Tuesday, August 3, 2021. added gr8nsf archive to the folder. I know this folder may have duplicates, but if you all find something in this archive, just let me know, and I will single it out of this archive for you all. emal is Wednesday, August 4, 2021. Updated the archive with some new but old artists, sam W and 8 bit z tuner just to name some. You can find this in /tuca archive. Friday, August 6, 2021. Updated Evangelosz Nagy's folder in Tuca archive with the song puppet zone in nsf and mml form, and got some new demos and stuff in the gb demo archive. Friday, August 6, 2021. Added a new tool to write music with mml, amigamml. as well as the ym2608 tone editor. by rerrah. Shouts go to Daniel K for helping me find this. Amigamml is in write, and the tone editor is in other software. Monday, August 16, 2021. Added some new stuff from artists like Tristendo, GGDJR, and Burnt Fishy as well as some more things like gr8mml for those of you who are looking for more mml stuff. Monday, August 16, 2021. Added a new artist, skydev in /tuca archive. Monday, August 16, 2021. Updated branflakes's folder in Tuca archive. Man you rock! Sunday, August 22, 2021. Added the full set of FTM and 0cc files to the archives. Sunday, August 29, 2021. Added and updated the chiptune players as well as working on some more stuff for chiptunes. Monday, August 30, 2021. Added new artists Razerek, wildmatsu (updated,)TechEmporium, added the piston sorce project, A project made to archive music from piston collage. because it doesn't get talked about alot. If you have any piston sorce music, please contact me! Tuesday, August 31, 2021. Added an artist, iwamoo, to tuca as well as put a link.txt file to where I archived Uraboroshi's music from and will share the link for the forer as requested by @Uraboroshi. BTW @Uraboroshi, your tunes are really awesome! Tuesday, August 31, 2021. Added an albums folder to the piston sorce project, as well as archiving files from the piston collage collective! Shouts go to Yamahara, gumi, and everyone elce who makes PXtone music! If someone elce has something that I don't, just let me know! my email is Tuesday, August 31, 2021. Added the artist TakuikaNinja as well as a .txt file to where you can find his YouTube to the tuca archive. From now on, we'll be putting link.txt for the creators links. Tuesday, August 31, 2021. Updated Piston sorce project with a readme.txt and alot more music. Wednesday, September 1, 2021. Updated the piston sorce project with some more music and artists from pistonweb! Wednesday, September 8, 2021. Updated the snes archive from the HCS boards, and also added the GSF archive from the HCS boards. Wednesday, September 8, 2021. Refreshed jungjongsoo's folder. In Tuca he was kept as JX. If only 100% of his music were all together, he's still missing some from his google drive whitch you have to look through his vids for them. His music and meems are awesome though! Thursday, September 16, 2021. I made a profile on and I'm archiving the pistonweb website by hand because there are no scripts and such to do it for me. As such, the process may be a little slow. contact me on twitter if you have any help for me. or you can use the Thursday, September 16, 2021. Updated two artists with links.txt files. Virt, and fearofdark. Thursday, September 16, 2021. Updated chibi tech's folder in tuca to include her bandcamp. Sunday, September 19, 2021. updated the pxtone piston sorce project with some new music as well as artists. Sunday, September 19, 2021. Added xmplay, and changed the keyboard shortcuts to something that feels a little like winamp. Tuesday, September 21, 2021. Added music from Memblers, Razerek, to the tuca archive as well as the chipixa compo at in the rute of the folder. Wednesday, September 22, 2021. removed the duplicates from the chiptune software\android players. Wednesday, September 22, 2021. Updated droidsound E to version 167_258 in chiptune software\android players. Thursday, September 23, 2021. Added Purely Grey's music to tuca archive\Purely Grey as well as exported the nsf files so people could listen to with nsf players. Sunday, September 26, 2021. Updated Burnt Fishy's music in tuca archiv\Burnt Fishy, as he told me where I could find his other songs. I will be archiving the last of his music tomarro. @Burnt Fishy, Thanks for telling me where I could find the last of your music! You rock! Tuesday, September 28, 2021. Updated mml2vgm thanks to kumatan in chiptune software\write. Tuesday, September 28, 2021. Updated all of Kuma's tools,, mdplayer,,, and the song creation tools can be found in chiptune software\ write, and the other software like MDplayer can be found in chiptune software\other software. Friday, October 1, 2021. Updated @DEFENSE MECHANISM'S music, as well as added lsdprj folder for some songs. Added a links.txt file also, to link to his homepage and bandcamp. This is all in Tuca archive\DEFENSE MECHANISM. Friday, October 1, 2021. Replaces the lsdj.7z for an archive of lsdj versions. It's done so that most if not all songs play in what ever ver of lsdj that they are needed in. It's in chiptune software\write. Sunday, October 3, 2021. So sorry that this held up for a long time, but I finally updated Burnt Fishy's music archive, that had some music that was only ever posted to Google Drive. Hopefully it all should be updated. Also added an ftm folder as well and a links.txt. This can all be found in Tuca archive\Burnt Fishy. Thursday, October 7, 2021. Added some more battles in the battle of the bits archiv, like winterchipIV and 3xtheme chipIV. These and more can be found in the rute folder\battle of the bits archive. Friday, October 8, 2021. Updated the battle of the bits archiv to have more battles, like summer chip, and sun vox battle. This is in the rute folder\battle of the bits archive. Sunday, October 10, 2021. Updated the botb archive to have more battles, like winter chipVII and winter chipVIII. They're in the rute\battle of the bits archive. Sunday, October 10, 2021. Updated botb archiv to have music from summer chipIII. It's in rute\battle of the bits archiv. Monday, October 11, 2021. Updated the battle of the bits archive with one more battle, the Commodore Trilogy. This is in the rute folder\battle of the bits archive. Tuesday, October 12, 2021. Added LHS to the rute folder\modules and chiptune artists. Wednesday, October 13, 2021. Added That8BitChiptuneGuy to the rute folder\tuca archiv. @That8BitChiptuneGuy, your music is grate! Thursday, October 14, 2021. Added kfaraday to the rute folder\tuca archive. Friday, October 15, 2021. Updated jungjongsoo's folder in the rute\tuca archive. I will also be collecting the tunes that aren't in his google drive locally. Saturday, October 16, 2021. Updated the piston sorce project with some new artists and some new tunes. they can be found in the rute folder\piston sorce project\piston posters. Sunday, October 17, 2021. Updated the music wizard's music to have volume1 of his AY and sndh tracks. This can be found in the rute folder\modules and chiptune artists\the music wizard.7z. Monday, October 18, 2021. Updated the nsf rip collection by Mrnorbert1994 and co. Big shouts to mrnorbert1994 and the rest of the nesdev comunity for making rips and fixing them. The archive is in the rute folder\nsf.rar. Wednesday, October 20, 2021. Added Taku Shiiba to the rute\tuca archive. Seriously, it's really hard to find and archive the music from Japanese people. Wednesday, October 20, 2021. Thanks to That8BitChiptuneGuy, we now have Chibi-Tech_-_Anal_Love.ftm and Chibi-Tech_-_Love_is_insecurable.ftm in the rute folder\tuca archive\chibitech\ftm. (Dam! her music in particular, is really hard to track down! You rock man! ) Oh yeah, in the rute folder\tuca archive\dimeback\ftm, we also have wub_club.ftm. Thanks to That8BitChiptuneGuy as well for that one. Shouts to all the artists. :) Thursday, October 21, 2021. Added mucom88_android from boukichi in chiptune software\write. Friday, October 22, 2021. Added Rei8bit, maker of music with famistudio, to the rute folder\tuca archiv. @Rei8bit, grate music! Sunday, October 24, 2021. Updated the battle of the bits archive with some new battles, like spring tracks 3, as well as trying to redo the ahx archive. Wednesday, October 27, 2021. Updated battle of the bits archive with summer chipIV. This is in the rute folder\battle of the bits archive. Wednesday, October 27, 2021. Updated the botb archive with new battles like winter chipX. It can be found in the rute folder\battle of the bits archive. Thursday, October 28, 2021. Updated the botb archive with some more battles, like Super Western Cowboy, a famitracker battle that will be getting some .nsf output, and Winter Chip XI. They can be found in the rute\battle of the bits archive. Thursday, October 28, 2021. Updated the piston sorce project with some new music from new and old artists. With some artists like Snarwin and LAWatson. This and more can be found in the rute\piston sorce project\piston posters. Friday, October 29, 2021. Updated the battle of the bits archive with some new battles, like Summer Chip V and Boom 'n' Doom. This and more can be found in the rute\battle of the bits archive. Saturday, October 30, 2021. Updated the botb archive with more battle stuff like SPC Echoes 2, and Spring Tracks VI. This and more can be found in the rute folder\battle of the bits archive. Thursday, November 4, 2021. Updated the battle of the bits archive with some new battles like Winter Chip XIII and Nintendo Trilogy. This and more can be found in the rute folder\battle of the bits archive. Friday, November 5, 2021. Updated the vgm archives, the only things are that I don't want to have the gameboy and nes archives in them to save space and make room for more chips that don't get there music dumped to .vgm. The archiv original is at and the one with out the gameboy and nes archives are in the rute folder. Tuesday, November 9, 2021. Updated skydev's folder in the rute\tuca archive\skydev. Tuesday, November 9, 2021. Updated the botb archive with some new battles like Atari trilogy, and winter chipXIV. This and more can be found in the rute folder\battle of the bits archive. Saturday, November 13, 2021. Updated skydev's folder in Tuca archive, updated Burnt Fishy's vgm folder in tuca archive, and added some new battles like summer chip9 to the rute folder\battle of the bits archive. Sunday, November 14, 2021. Updated kumatan's mml tools in chiptune software\write, and added some new battles like F MAJOR to the rute folder\battle of the bits archive. Also updated the nsf stuff by mrnorbert1994 and the Asma archive in the rute folder. Tuesday, November 23, 2021. Updated @skydev's folder in the rute folder\tuca archive\skydev. Wednesday, December 1, 2021. Hey, long time no chipnews. Nice huge update. Updated SuperJet Spade's folder in tuca archive, updated winamp vgm input plugin in winamp plugins, updated Burnt Fishy's folder in tuca archive, and more tunes on the incoming. Pluss It's vgmrips 10 year birthday! What could be better! Also, shouts go to Burnt Fishy and SuperJet Spade for the awesome music covers and originals! Sunday, December 19, 2021. @Yuzu4K has made a dump of the fT forums and it is full of famitracker goodness. @Yuzu4K also contributed some battles to the botb archive, that is on the incoming. Shouts go to all the awesome chiptunests from near and far! Sunday, December 19, 2021. @Yuzu4K has contributed battles like Sega_Master_System_Major, AdLib_Techno, Spooky_VRC6 and more. in the rute folder\battle of the bits archive for the tunes. Monday, December 27, 2021. Added some more battles like Ahx, Commodore Quadrilogy, and Game Boy Moods to the battle of the bits archive. These and more can be found in the rute folder\battle of the bits archive. BTW, hope you all are enjoying your Christmas and a happy new year to the chip boys and chip girls for giving us the gift of rad chiptune music! Tuesday, December 28, 2021. Changed some folders so they would better fit the folder structure in the battle of the bits archive, added the Hvsc76 and now added the Compute's Gazette Sid Collection to the rute folder. Thanks go to the Hvsc croo and the Compute's Gazette Sid Collection team for the awesome music! Chears! Tuesday, January 4, 2022. Updated the PXtone project with new artists, mashmerlow, lyqjw, osakana4242. updated old artist, like bunaguchi, Ronto_255 and more! there are in the rute\piston sorce project\piston posters. Friday, January 14, 2022. Updated droidsound to 167_264 in chiptune software\android players. If you want to download from the official site, link is It's the best android chiptune player imho, has that winamp plugin feel. Tuesday, January 18, 2022. Burnt Fishy's folder has been updated in Tuca. It's in the rute\tuca archive\Burnt Fishy. Shouts go to Burnt Fishy for the music. Wednesday, January 26, 2022. Updated the super famicompo archive to reflect results and all comments. Shouts go to SMW central and every artist. You all are awesome! Also let me know if I've missed something, as remember I'm blind and Google Docs and NVDA don't like each other haha. It's in the rute. Wednesday, January 26, 2022. Updated Tuca archive to have music from Chromelodeon, maker of LSDJ chiptune and performer for Magfest in 2019. Folder is in the rute\tuca archive\Chromelodeon. Friday, January 28, 2022. Updated DEFENSE MECHANISM'S music, added his music for battle of the bits, and started work on archiving music from For Defense Mechanism's music it is in the 'rute\ tuca archive\ DEFENSE MECHANISM, and the lsdsng archive is in the rute\lsdsng archive. Sunday, February 6, 2022. Updated droidsound from Droidjmt to version 167_267. If you want to stay on top of updates, his site is at Also, updated modules and chiptune artists to have some weird and interesting music from SeMiSoLiD, a friend in the netherlands. Droidsound can be found in the rute\chiptune software and the music from SeMiSoLiD is in the rute\modules and chiptune artists. Also, remember to check @Droidjmt's changelog on his site for more info! Wednesday, March 2, 2022. In the rute\modules and chiptune artists, added folders [misk compilations], and added a compilation of sceners music put together by Nagz to it. Also updated the lsdsng archive with some new artists. Shoutes go to Rayjcayj for getting hold of the compilation of tunes! Wednesday, March 30, 2022. Due to request of @sidedishes and thanks to him, corrected the Piston sorce project to the Pxtone project and corrected Piston posters to Pt web archive. Also made some other small changes to Pxtone project folder. It's in the rute. Wednesday, May 4, 2022. Updated the nsf collection from Mr norbert1994. Sunday, June 19, 2022. Hey all archivist, chiptunests, and chiptune listeners near and far! Sorry that I haven't wrote back much, I found an .nsf upload site and while the boards aren't accessible and I had to remember an image for the download button, I think I finally archived all of the site manually. Now it may have some errors and duplicates, but I'll be sure to check them and remove them every now and again. Anyways, the link is Shouts to all creaters of original music and cover artists once again! The folder is in the rute/NSF Small Station. Wednesday, June 29, 2022. I added the latest versions of hvsc and mrnorbert1994's .hes archive as well as updated nsf small station with some more music. They're all in rute/ hes.rar, HVSC_77-all-of-them.7z, and NSF Small Station respectfully. Wednesday, July 6, 2022. Hey all chiptune listeners, lovers and collectors near and far! I want to start off with some good news, we now have another artist who genorously donated his chiptunes to the archive. Say hello to rayjkayj! He will be in the rute/tuca archive/rayjkayj. Next order of archival. Soon I will be updating the chiptune software, plugins for Winamp, Foobar2000, and Xmplay. And next, I updated nsf small station with some new tunes. Finally, I will be updating some of the artists in tuca like Burnt Fishy, TrojanHorse711 and so on. Thanks again to @rayjkayj for the music! Friday, March 10, 2023. Hey all chiptune listeners and lovers near and far! I know I know, it's been a long ass time since I wrote anything here, but fear not, the archive isn't dead! infact it's far from it. Nsf small station has 2518 tracks now, and thanks to the work of an awesome person from Japan, they managed to post there collection of mdx, pmd, and dos fm music just before there service web crawl, got shut down. Also an awesome user of the internet archive named AliasedTexture uploaded his mmlshare crawl and it's just what I thought it would be, awesome! As well as that news is, there's this place on the internet called the tokugawa forums, that talk and share about Japanese computing and even more awesome, the music! I'm looking for a user from the forums called Snakemeat, to ask him where he got the far out music and if he still collects chiptune and Japanese computer music today? The work on archiving sites like lsdsng and even the famitracker forums has not ended, I still actually have plans to have full archives at some point. As for sites like mck2ch I think Mister Toko did a good job with it and even if he should stop paying the site bill, it'll be archived for everyone. Anyway that's all for this update I think, enjoy! Friday, July 14, 2023. Woohoo, there's loads of stuff in this log, so let's go! I have started to archive the really awesome website that is lsdsng again as well as also starting to archive some of the Famitracker website. As you all know, the forums had fallen off the grid some time in April and while there are some efforts to preserve the contents of the site by @fusoxide and @Manonow, I can't help but think that some parts of the site are still gone, and so far it doesn't look like anyone is doing gods work to go through the wayback machine and plunge the archive together. I'd do it myself but sadly I can only archive one website at a time. And speaking of websites the site of looks to demand my full attention at the moment, as it's going to take a lot of time to go through the spam hell of the site and get all the not spam .lsdsng files. I managed to spend a night or 2 going through the site and I'm glad to say that for the most part I'm through the spamfest, and I look to only have about 6 pages left or so. In other news we now have another battle to the botb archive, TINYMOD GRANDPRIX. Nsf small station is hitting at 2615 files, I hope we hit 3000 soon. The OPL archive by MrKsoft has been added and is a nice idea to do gods work. I need to help him as soon as I can find a way to log the music to vgm with accessibility software. I need to do some work with Tuca and the pxtone project, sadly the latter has a lot more music every day than I can just archive alone. If anyone has a script or something that could help me archive the site let me know, I really need it! Your usual mirrors like HVSC and the like are kept up to date as much as can be, and I'll see how archiving goes with botb as the site has lost there .org for a while now. Also for the lols I have a files from nico nico Douga folder in the archive now too, so have at it! That's about all that I can think of for now, so see you till the next log!